Summary of The Norwegian Kennel Clubs Show Regulations

    The judge will be assisted by a qualified steward, whose responsibility is to see that all formal requirements are fulfilled in the ring. The steward is also responsible for the paperwork, and as the judge is not allowed to consult the catalogue at any time in the ring, will check that only dogs eligible for the various classes are brought before the judge at the proper time.
    The dogs are judged on individual merits in two types of classes, i.e. in "quality classes" and "competition classes". In the quality classes, the dogs are assessed in relation to the ideal for the breed, while prizes are awarded in the competition classes on the basis of the merits of each dog in relation to the other dogs in the class.

    Quality Classes / Competition Classes

    Quality classes
    For each breed and sex, the quality classes are (the abbreviations in brackets are the official Norwegian terms for the classes):
    Junior Class (JK)
    Open Youth Class (AUK)
    Open Class (AK)

    The junior Class is restricted to dogs between 9 and 15 months of age, the Open Youth Class to dogs between 15 and 24 months of age and the Open Class to dogs over 24 months of age. 
    In these classes, the following prizes may be awarded:
    1st JK, AUK or AK
    2nd JK, AUK or AK
    3rd JK, AUK or AK
    0 JK, AUK or AK (not worthy o a prize)

    There is no restriction to the number o 1sts, 2nds etc. to be awarded in each class. Likewise, no 1sts, for instance, need to be awarded at all, in case none of the dogs fulfill the requirements for the prize.

    The quality requirements for the prizes have been formulated as follows:
    1st (prize) (red ribbon): Typical and sound. A dog of pronounced merits with unessential faults. "A very good representative of the breed".
    2nd (prize) (blue ribbon): Typical and sound. Faults no more pronounced than to justify the description "A good representative of the breed".
    3rd (prize) (yellow ribbon): Essentially good type. Faults no more pronounced than it justify the description "An acceptable representative of the breed".

    In the Junior Class (JK) and the Open Youth Class (AUK), the standard of comparison should be "the normal stage of development" within the specified age limits. In the Open Class (AK) the basis for comparison should be the fully matured specimen, i.e. no allowance should be for instance be made for the age of comparatively young dogs in this class.

    If the judge is unable to assess the quality of the dog, e.g. due to excessive playfulness, the verdict "Cannot be judged" (KIP) may be given. This does not apply to dogs whose temperament is untypical. Dogs in this category shall invariably be given 0 JK, 0 AUK or 0 AK.

    Judges are requested to check that all male animals have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Monorchids/cryptochids are given a full report and awarded "0.prize on account of monorchism/cryptorchism".

    For each dog in the quality classes the judge gives a written critique, as detailed as time permits. The judge dictates the critique to the ring assistant, and each critique must be signed by the judge. Judges' lists are prepared by the steward and signed by the judge when the judging has been completed.

    Competition Classes:
    Junior Competition Class (JKK)
    Open Youth Competition Class (AUKK)
    Winner Class (VK)
    Champion Class (CHK)
    Veteran Class (Vetk)
    Best Dog - / Best Bitch Class (BHK / BTK)
    Best of Breed / Best Opposite Sex (BIR / BIM)
    In all these classes the dogs are ranked 1-4 and reserve.

    Junior Competition Class (JKK): In this class only dogs with 1st JK (quality class) are eligible to compete. Outstanding specimen may be awarded "Prize of Honour" (HP).

    Open Youth Competition Class (AUKK): In this class only dogs with 1st AUK (quality class) are eligible to compete. Outstanding specimen may be awarded "Prize of Honour" (HP).

    Winner Class (VK), is made up of dogs who have obtained 1st AK (quality class) and those awarded "Prize of Honour" (HP) in the Junior Competition (JKK) and Open Youth Competition Class (AUKK). If the winner (1st VK) is of outstanding quality (i.e. "worthy of becoming Champion in Norway") it should be awarded a National Certificate (= Challenge Certificate) (CAC). If the class contains additional dogs of outstanding quality, (to whom the judge would have awarded National Certificate, had they not met the competition of the day), such dogs should be awarded "Certificate Quality" (CK). CK may be regarded as additional quality prize, which permits the judge to indicate outstanding dogs, even if they are beaten in the Winner Class.

    Please Note: Certain breeds must have passed a trial before competing in this class. The ring steward will know which breeds this applies to. Dogs who do not fulfill the trial requirements to compete in this class, may still compete or the CK (if the quality is high enough). In case CK is awarded, the dog(s) in question may compete in the BHK / BTK-classes.
    This does not apply to Rhodesian Ridgeback or Thai Ridgeback Dog

    Champion Class (CHK): before judging this class, the judge is asked to give a short written critique to each dog. After having ranked the dogs, CK may be awarded to any "Certificate worthy" dogs in the class. (In Norway a RR or TRD can't become a champion before he/she is at least two years of age. The last CAC must be obtained competing in the Open Class).

    Veteran Class (VETK) (7 year of age or older): Before judging this class, the judge gives each dog a written critique and awards each dog a quality prize (equivalent to 1st AK etc.). Only dogs who obtain 1st prize in quality are eligible to compete in the Veteran Class. CK may be awarded to any "Certificate worthy" dogs in the class. If dogs in this class are in good condition and well retained for their age, but not of Certificate quality, the judge may award "Prize of Honour" (HP) to dogs having obtained 1st in quality.

    Best Dog-/ Best Bitch Class (BHK / BTK): All dogs/bitches awarded CK(Certificate Quality) as well as of course the National Certificate winner, compete in these classes.

    Best of Breed / Best Opposite Sex (BIR / BIM): Best dog (1st BHK) compete with Best Bitch (1st BTK) for Best of Breed (BIR) / Best opposite Sex (BIM).

    CACIB - The International Certificate - is only awarded at International Championship Shows. Lower age limit is 15 months. The dog must be worthy of a National Certificate in any country (including the home country of the breed). The CACIBs and reserve-CACIBs are awarded when the Best Dog Class and the Best Bitch Class have been placed respectively.

    Breeders Group (OPPDK)
    Progeny Class (AVK)
    Both classes are made up of 5 dogs of either sex. The judge will only be asked to review groups above a certain average quality (based on a points system for the quality prizes obtained at the same show by the dogs making up the group). In order to be awarded "Prize of Honour" (HP), the group must be of a uniform type.

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