importer (imports to our kennel) Vi
har tatt inn to tisper fra Sixemm kennel i Australia/
Two bitches has been imported from
Sixemm kennel in Australia
26.may 2000 Nordic ch Nordic Winner 2001 Sixemm Alpha
Centauri (aka Gaby) - bitch,
- born 15. April 1999 (Australia)
HD-A1 (Hips Excellent)
Albuer -Fri (Elbows Clear)
Gaby is 61 cm tall (24 "),
30 kg heavy. She has all teeths. If
you would like to know something else than gossip, please feel free
to ask.
Sixemm Alpha
she is 2 year and 11 months old, and it's only 8 weeks since she
gave birth to 7 puppies)
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